New Year's Day 2005
January 1, 2005: The first day of 2005 was not a pretty day. I sent out an e-mail telling anyone that was interested, to meet me for lunch at Sero's in Cumberland, and we would ride someplace. I think it was about fifty degrees, gray and foggy. I waited for 15 minutes past the meeting time, and decided that no one else was showing up. I couldn't blame them. it was ugly out here. I decided for a quicker lunch, and was the first customer of the Cumberland Subway for 2005. I'm sure I wasn't going to be the last, and I wasn't even going to try to be their last customer. There were no balloons, no fanfare, just a good sandwich created by the sandwich artist. I took off on US 40, The National Road, toward Greenfield. I fully intended to ride out further, as I wanted to check out some roads that I had mapped out with Streets and Trips. I already knew that Old Spiceland Road was a good, twisty road, but I was looking for others in the area. By the time I got to Greenfie...