
Showing posts from January, 2006

New Year's Day 2006

January 1, 2006: For the third New Year's Day in a row, it looked as though I was going to be able to throw my leg over the saddle, and hit the road on two wheels! I know a lot people probably think "Big Deal", but in Indianapolis, being able to get out on New Year's Day is cause for a celebration. Now I am probably going to hear it from people further north, and how much worse their winters are than Indiana's, but I am talking about motorcycling here. For the entry for the 2004 New Year's Day Ride, click here . For the entry for the 2005 New Year's Day Ride, click here . Here it is the first day of 2006. Around Christmas Day, I checked the long range forecast, and it was calling for showers on New Year's Day. By the time the day had come, the showers where postponed until evening, or even the next day. I woke up around 7:45, with an appointment to meet some other cyclists at Shapiro's, Downtown. This group meets every Sunday, usually at Sha...