Halloween: A Scary Record
October 30, 2008 Trick or Treat! Today is a day for a spooky ride, right? Maybe I should throw a hay bail or two on the bike? Well today would be landmark day, but for more than being a day when kids dress up as their true evil egos, and beg from door to door for candy. I like Halloween, just like have a strange take on it. Kasey and I started out of Danville, Indiana heading south on SR 39. Cartersburg Road is another great we take out of town, and I haven't ventured down SR 39 in a while. We arrived at US 40, The National Road, and headed a little east, past Cartersburg Road, and turned south on Miles Road. After jogging on a few County Roads, we arrived at SR 267 and headed south. This part of SR 267 winds it way south into Moorseville, Indiana. We turned left, heading east on SR 42 to cruiser further into town. We took South Indiana Street until we arrived at Grey Brother's Cafeteria. It is positioned just before the Indiana Street pours back onto SR 67. Grey Bro...