A Ride to a Familiar Eatery
Monday, March 23, 2009 Well this was a quick trip that got planned at the last minute. Kasey's mom had been in town, for a farewell, I rode over to the same O'Charley's that Kasey I dined at the first time together to meet with her mom, kids, and friends. I had to stop along the post office, so I meandered my way through town after running the errand. I took Tenth Street into town, then followed East down to Mass Avenue. Michigan would take me outbound of town. Once outside of 465, I went south to US 36. I headed a little further west, and arrived at the eatery. The large group had a good time and a good meal, and I headed back out for home. I started on US 36 heading east back into Indianapolis. When Rockville Road ended at US 40, I took The National Road east through town and out the side of town the sun rises on first. Near the edge of town, I arrived at home.