Just Couldn't End the Trip This Short

Saturday, July 25, 2009 Well, Kasey and I had some time with out her kids, and we needed to take The Black Pearl back to her home. We started out across US 36, heading east into town. Rockville Road, as it is also known, runs into US 40, Washington Street, and this would take us the other tow-thirds through Indianapolis, and to my home. Not so fast...Even though it was a cloudy day, and I was still flying blind without a GPS, and we had been on the bike an hour, Kasey just didn't want this ride to end so soon. I was not going to argue. We made our way further east, going south on Franklin, then east on English Avenue until it ended. We returned north to US 40, and took it east until Muesing Street. It was under construction, and we made our way through the gravel pit of a road. We wound our way along Muessing, and on to Prospect, jogging back to Muessing and then further south to SR 52, Brookville Road. After heading south and east for a short bit, we turned south again on Ki...