Back in the Saddle, Just the Two of Us

Good Friday, April 2, 2010 Today's ride starts out as a throw back to the early days of when Kasey and I was first dating. I was up early to hop on The Pearl, and head out into the cool morning air to get to her house. Since it was cooler, and it is always warmer in the city, I made my way through downtown. It seemed a little abuzz from some basketball game going on. I was trying to ignore the whole thing as much as possible. I veered north, while still heading west, onto Rockville Road. Yes, it eventually makes it way to the Covered Bridge Town of Rockville, but looses it's name to being called US 36 for a bit first. Rockville/US 36 takes me to the town of Danville, home of the Mayberry Cafe. When I see Barney Fife's replica car out front, I know I am close. I pulled into Kasey's driveway, and turned the bike around. I was greeted by her huge, recently acquired, yellow dog named Nacho. After some brief time getting ready for the ride, we climbed aboard, and head...