Sheltering Wings Ride

Saturday, June 30th, 2012 I not really been a big fan of rides for charity, I know they are great and raise a lot of money, but I just don't always feel comfortable with some of the other riders, and being packed into a group like that. I figured this first ride for a domestic abuse shelter in Danville would be a smaller ride. Kasey and I rode down Cartersburg Road once again, with SR 39 closed. Then jumped on US 40, the National Road, and went east until the town of Plainfield. After jogging on a few roads, we ended up at the FOP Post that was the host for the ride. We started by making our way to SR 267, then headed south into Mooresville, Indiana. Then we went east on SR 42. Been on SR 42 a number of times, and its a straight route through farm country. Once at US 231, we went north, and entered Greencastle, where things got a bit confusing, and we ended up at a Hooters for a little snack. I guess the ride was moving faster than thought, so we needed to slow down. W...