Show Me Your Colors, Hendricks County!

Friday, October 17th, 2014 This will a blog post with quite a difference, you can ride along with me!! I decided to go out and find some of the best scenic roads in Hendricks County, and capture it using my GoPro Camera. My favorite riding partner, Kasey, and I started out on the south edge of Danville, Indiana, on Cartersburg Road. This is a long time favorite road of mine. It has always had smooth pavement and good mix of curves. We veered off of Cartersburg at County Road 350 South, and headed east to another favorite road, Vestal Road. We picked the road just north of the Plainfield Recreation and Aquatic Center. Vestal ends at County Road 200, so we take CR 525 East to continue north. County Road 525 East will take you all the way to US 36, but I like to take a right at CR 100 South and head east over to CR 625 East. It is worth it just to drive under the bridge, and along the creek, great views. We took US 36 West back towards Danville, but turned of...