Getting Back Out There

Saturday, May 23, 2015 When you are trying to immerse yourself back into something, you always want to start out doing it right. I feel like my hiatus from motorcycling actually lasted two years. I rode right up until we left for Costa Rica, and I have a few thousand miles since we have come back, but in the grand scheme of things, that is just a run for breakfast. So 2015 will be when I am really getting back into things. This nice day ride starts off a familiar spot, the gas station. We are in Danville, Indiana, where US 36 meets SR 39. From there, we would head south out of town, jogging over to Cartersburg Road. Smooth, curvy pavement greets us, and since I have been on stretch a number of times, it is a good warm up. After short stint on US 40, The National Road, we head south on Miles Drive, which bends to the east. At a traffic circle, we head south into Mooresville, eventually joining up with SR 267 which we follow through town to SR 144. A lot of this route is familia...