
Showing posts from July, 2015

Surprise! A Ride!

Friday, July 31st, 2015 Kasey, my favorite riding partner, came home from working at the bakery, and said we need to go on a ride. So I continued to make some lunch, we ate, and then I went to planning. I have some things I want to see in the area, and we had a limited time, so going and getting lost was not an option at this point. This would be her first ride in North Carolina since we moved here. We had ridden before on our way to Florida several years ago. We started out heading south on 200, or North Central Avenue. After about two miles we stopped at the intersection of 24/27 and pulled into the Sunoco Station to fuel up. After topping off the tank, we continued south on 200 to Stanfield. At the corner of Big Lick Road is the Wayside Cafe, a place I think we will have to try sometime. It looks like one of those out of the way eateries that I prefer. We continued east on Big Lick until Main Street, and turned right to head into Oakboro. Besides having another Wayside Restau...

First Tar Heel Tour

Sunday, July 26, 2015 So we have been here in North Carolina for a week and half, and our stuff has been here for about a week. The garage is till pretty packed up, but that will take a cool morning to load stuff into the attic. Today, it is time to take that first ride out into Tar Heel Country. Like a lot of rides, it started out at the gas station, we are lucky to have one right outside our new neighborhood. So the tank got filled, and Will, Kasey's son, and for all purposes, my step son, and I headed out on the North Carolina pavement. Outside the neighborhood is bordered by Bethel Church Road, which we took east. it was only a short trip, since we turned north onto Coley Store Road. I have found a lot of interesting road names, many of them have church in the name. We made our way to Millingport Road, and then hit a bit of a detour. We waited at the scene, especially when the helicopter flew in. We heard some people who knew some of the people involved, and said t...