Going with the Flo

Originally Published in Southeastern Rider Magazine, August 2017 I started riding when I was four or five, which occurred in the early 1970’s. As a kid, I would go out with my father and we would buy motorcycles, most of them in pieces scattered in multiple boxes. We brought them home, put them back together, road them, and finally, sold them, usually for a little profit. Most of the sellers and buyers were men. Once, when my dad had a black chopper, with ribbons painted down the tank, that he got running, and then found out that he didn’t like a bike with an extended fork. So it went up for sale. The eventual buyer was a single lady, probably in her thirties, with long blonde hair. She showed up in a Chevrolet El Camino, while wearing a white leather jump suit. One with a zipper down the front, and it was probably zipped lower than it needed to be. My mom said she wasn’t aware that my, my brother, and my father’s jaws could drop so far. Just like how everything else has changed si...