2017 Gathering of Eagles, Part 2

Originally Published in Southeastern Rider Magazine, January 2018 June 20th, 2017: Gathering of Eagles is Cruiser Club, USA's Annual Gathering. Part I dealt with our trip to the gathering, Part II is about what we do while at the gathering. My favorite riding partner, Kasey, and I woke up in our Fontana Village Resort Cabin. About fifty of our fellow Cruiser Club brothers and sisters were scattered around the resort in cabins, the hotel, and a few toy hauled their bikes and were spending the gathering in the campground. The third decade of Gathering of Eagles, GOE for short, was our second event held at a vacation destination. As a family oriented club, some of our members make this their vacation. Two years ago, we met in Lake George, New York. Fontana Damn is another well-known motorcycle destination. Once again, I knocked out The Dragon. When you stay only a few miles away from 318 turns in 11 miles, you have to take it on. Even though the official days are Tues...