Modifying the Read

Originally Published in Southeastern Rider Magazine, March 2018 As a motorcycle owner, we all know we’re going to make changes. I don’t know a lot of fellow bikers who buy a bike off the show room floor, only put gas, oil, and other essentials in it, and just ride. Sure, it may even have “Custom” in the title, but we buy bikes that are built for the masses. Then begins the journey to make it our own. Buying the bike is just the start, of the miles and accessories. Heck, I think I ordered the seat I have on my Honda VTX 1800 before I even took ownership of the bike! I was already locked into the purchase of the bike with a credit card deposit, so I only needed to sign the papers and take delivery. This is The Black Pearl on the way home from the dealership, completely stock, except for the rain stains from 200 miles in a downpour. After some modifications, like the seat, windshield, bags, trunk mount and exhaust. The biggest modification today i...