April 4, 2006 Day four was to be welcomed as a short, leisurely drive. If you know anything about my trips, when I say it will be short day, you know you are in for a good story, as fate has a way of turning a few miles into many hours. So lets first start out with the bad. I was packing up the bike, early this morning, so not to incur Shooter's wrath for another day of tardiness. Upon returning to the room, the one I was sharing with Duncan, I walked through the door, and I saw Duncan, preparing for a shower, completely naked. This was not the wake call I every thought about having! "Duncan", I said. "I will need my eyes to see to drive today." Duncan replied, "Yes, and so." I replied, "Right now, I would like to gouge them out!" So now, lets shiver off the shakes of that memory, and head onto the good. A short road trip to Carlsbad Caverns. The morning was cool. Upon reaching the entrance, we had to take some photos. Apparently...