Not So Flat! I Mean Fast!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Well, the day didn't start out to well. My dad showed up earlier than expected, and I had to rush out the door, as I wanted to add some coolant to the bike. I got the coolant in, and rolled the bike out of the garage. The tire looked low on air, so I got out the air hose, and inflated it. About 5 pounds low, but It had been a lot miles since I last checked it. When I came back to the bike, the tire looked low again!! I decided to roll it back in the garage, where I could put it up on the lift. I slowly rotated the tire, and used water to check the plug and valve stem.

After finding nothing, I added more air to the tire, taking it up to 50 lbs, five more than normal. I went in to say good bye to Nina, and give the tire some time to sit. When I came back out, it looked fine. Figured I could take a chance to the meeting point.

Dad I started out west on Washington Street, and took the ramp to South Shadeland Avenue. Shadeland flows into 465, which we took to I-65, to interstate it so we could make up some time. We couldn't take the high all the way there, we exited at Main Street for Greenwood, and then down US 31 to Tracy Road in New Whiteland to meet at Dreyer Honda South.

There were already five other bikes there, but one of them was not Mr. Wade's, who said he would be here, and would lead part of the ride on roads I have never been on before. We had a bet on it, he was going to buy my lunch!

We didn't have anyway to call him, so after waiting too long, we took off. We continued down US 31 for another block, and then took New Whiteland Road West to Sr 135. We went south on 135 to SR 45. We took SR 45 West into Bloomington. It is a great little twisty, turny road. We rode just on the eastern edge of Bloomington on SR 46, to SR 446. We made a stop for gas, and continued south. We crossed Lake Monroe, and that wouldn't be the only water we saw! We hit a small, light rain shower. No need to stop, didn't hardly slow down! It was kinda refreshing, as it was getting warm.

SR 58 came up in good time, and we took it east. After riding it a bit, we came upon the small town of Lyle's Station, and a restaurant out in the middle of nowhere called the Hitching Post. They are known for tenderloins that would make a Frisbee jealous! Today was no exception, with three of us ordering the monstrous sandwich.

I had some detours planned from this road, but ended up taking more after I missed a turn! I figured we could all explore, the five of us left, as Terry and Darrel had other things to take care of. After weaving through some back county roads, we arrived back on SR 135, thanks to the GPS.

When we arrived at SR 46, Jim Easy Rider told me he needed fuel. So we rolled into the edge of Nashville, Indiana. There was Shell right at the corner of Salt Lick Creek, where we were turning anyway!

After they fueled up, we headed north to Gainsville, a town that proudly proclaims "Entering/Leaving" at the same time! We continued past town on Peoga Trail, and into Ninevah, Indiana. We took that road north, and into Franklin, Indiana.

We rode north up US 31 and returned to Dreyer Honda. We looked around at the bikes they had outside, and I climbed on board a 2000 Yamaha Royal Star Venture they had for sell. It was a comfy seat, but the white and tan color was not for me!

The group of five returned north up US 31, then over to Main Street Greenwood, and onto I-65. My dad and I stayed on I-65, as the rest of the group peeled off at I-465. Dad continued on I-65, as I took I-70 East to 465, then exited off onto Washington Street. I had one more stop, to fuel up the bike.


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