Overwhelmed by Bikes!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

After a couple of days of short rides to work and to run errands, it is going to be nice to go on a ride with some distance. This Sunday is a regular ride day for Indianapolis Cruiser Club, and we would be joining with the Indiana VTX Riders for a Meet, Greet, Eat, and Ride.

I had no idea what to expect, but the count from the VTX Forum was about 40. I started out heading east on Washington Street, getting to 465 as soon as I could. I didn't want to waste time getting to the meeting spot. I took the loop north and west around town, and exited on US 31. I took it north to SR 38, and headed west to Sheridan, Indiana. I saw my brother and his wife filling up at a gas station, made me feel better that I would have him and his radio along on the ride.

I went a little further west, and arrived at The Red Onion and Rodney's Place. They have a good sized parking lot, but it was dwarfed by all the motorcycles parked in the lot!! It looked like there was about 60 of them, not all VTX's, but most of them were. The crowd of bikers made there way inside. Usually, this is the point were I tell you five or six people showed up for the ride, not five or six dozen!!

MattRX handed out prizes after the orders were taken, which was a great move. The group was split into two groups, filling two of the three sections of the restaurant. All the food was good, and everyone raved about the meal. I just hope they continue to rave about the ride. Not sure how many were going, but this is Police Escort Size of a group!! I was the only one that knew the route!

It seemed about 30 bikes would be joining us, and a good number were already Cruiser Club members. Besides my Brother and his wife, my Dad was also there, along with Easyrider Jim and his wife Judy, Greg and his new wife, Walt and his wife, Darrel, Terry, Steve and Al. A pretty good turn out, but paled by the number of VTX Owners. I passed out 40 cards, so maybe we will get a few of them to join up!

We formed up, and headed out on the route. We went a little east on SR 47, and then south on Mule Barn Road. That took us to SR 32, which we took west for about 15 miles. After a stroll through Lebanon, we turned on SR 39 South, pulled over to re-group on the far side of I-65, and then headed on. We would take R 136 a little west to get us to SR 234. This would take us through a couple of small town, and then passed Shade State Park, and through a wonderful tree lined and twisty road. The trees were so full I lost satelite reception twice!

We took some back roads, and joined back up with SR 32, which lead us into Crawfordsville, and our gas stop. I pulled up to a fuel island, but there was no pump, no hose, no nothing there! The rest were filling in, so I would have to take a place in line.

We followed SR 47 through Crawfordsville, losing more and more riders, as it was getting late. Eventually, we arrived at SR 52, and a Dairy Queen. We got a little treat, discussed our routes home, and took off. The ride was nice, but I felt like I really worked hard today!


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