Muted Colors, Great Ride

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Despite being a mid to late October Day, and the morning starting out like a typical fall day, the forecast called for summer temps in the low 80's!

I pulled down my street and then into the parking lot of the Thornton's Gas Station. Several bikes were already there, including my brother, Wade, and Wild Bill. Allan was at a pump topping off the tank. When I pulled in, I was told that Pete was coming back, as he was changing bikes because his back brakes were wore out on his ST1100. It was not long until he returned on his Goldwing.

After waiting until the time to leave, and seeing if anyone was going to show up, we headed east on Washington Street. We had two VTX's (Allan and I) Three Goldwings (Pete, Wild Bill, and Wade) and one Concours (My brother). We turned south on to Franklin Avenue, which we would take all the way to Frnaklin, Indiana.

We joined onto SR 44, and cruised through the Johnson County Town. We then went south on US 31. We were only on the road for a short time until we beared off to the west onto Ninevah Road. We meandered our way through farm country, and a detour, and finally arrived at Ninevah. The roads turns curvy, and lined with tress that had a mix of colors! Most of them were a muted brownish orange, but still very pretty.

We turned onto Beech Tree Lane, which is newly repaved, and wonderful!! It seems a lot longer than what it is, but one of the great rides here in Indiana! We then joined Sweetwater Trail, and went south to Gatesville. I wish the weather and time would hold for this week so I could come back and take some pictures! Gatesville is a small town, in fact you enter and leave at the same time!

We went south, and headed toward SR 46, and just east of Nashville, Indiana. Nearby is Brown County State Park, one of the most visited state parks in Indiana, especially this time of year!! It also has Indiana's only two lane Covered Bridge!

We went east on SR 46, getting broken up, because of the traffic. We re-grouped, and continued east, to near US 31, and stopped for lunch. The meal was good, and headed back out on the road! We went through Columbus, Indiana, and the Cummins TV Studios, and back onto US 31. After the GPS took us for a tour through one of Edinburg's Finest Communities, we went back on US 31, and went north to SR 252.

We went East on 252 to Flat Rock River Road. From there we meandered our way to Boggstown, and London Road. We spilled out on US 52 just west on New Palestine. We lost two when we crossed I-74, and then Allan peeled away on Washington Street. We had taken Muesing north to 10th Street, and now we were heading west back into town.

My brother peeled off to join I-70, and Pete pulled off just before my street, as he lives nearby.


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