A Couple of Short Rides

Tuesday, April 15 (Evening) and Wednesday, April 16 (Morning), 2008

I was hoping to ride down to Columbus on this morning, but Mother Nature wanted to remind me I live in Indiana by greeting everyone with temperatures at freezing. But the sun had come out, and the ground and air had warmed by afternoon.

So it was time to head to the second job at the Indianapolis Public Schools Headquarters. I headed into downtown from the Eastside going west on Washington Street. I needed to hit the bank, just in case we went out to dinner someplace that only takes cash. I think I had three dollars!

I went north up Shadeland to the bank, and then returned to Tenth Street, and took that west into town. This also avoided the construction and lane closures on Washington Street.

Near Downtown, Tenth Street Bends, and stops being Tenth Street. I was now headed south, and went that direction until St. Clair Street. This street runs along the north side of the HQ Building. A couple more block to the west, and I had arrived.

With the meeting gaveled closed, and the cameras packed up, it was time to head for home. I went north on Deleware for a few blocks and took the ramp to I 70/65. Yes I was taking the highway. I don't mind this time or section, as I have ridden and driven it about thousand times, and it was after 8pm, so the traffic was light. It would only be a short time before I had arrived at 465 on the east side, and took it south for a short bit, and returned to Washington Street.

The nest morning, I was back at working for IPS. This time at their studios. Still downtown, I headed west on Washington Street. I decided to follow the GPS, and the shortest route that is calculated for me.

I turned south on Rural Street and took it to Fletcher Avenue that jogged through neighborhoods. Some houses were well kept others, were in as good as shape as the owners could keep them. It was was neat to see the different houses, many of them had stood longer that I have been alive!

The studio is on Fletcher Avenue, and after a few more bends, I arrived.

The production went quickly, and it was time to get back in the saddle again. Once again, I would hit the highway home. It was quick, and I could get home, and get some things done around the house.


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