I Rode, So It Was a Great Day!
Saturday, May 9, 2009

It was one of those mornings that the wind rustles the leaves and makes it sound like it is a downpour. In the morning it was supposed to rain, but there was nothing but sunshine pouring on the leaves. Even with the sun, it was still chilly, and the wind was not making it any warmer.
I had to run to the bank before heading to the meeting spot, as I was low on dead presidents. After a brief stint at the ATM, we headed back west on US 36 to Shell/Circle K that I would meet my brother for today's ride.
We chatted for a bit, then headed out south on SR 267. It was a short trip, as we turned on CR 100 one mile south. We headed further west, passed Royal Troone, and then headed south on CR 525.
A jog in the road would put us on Vestal Road. I was not prepared for how twisty and scenic this road would be. Kasey and I both agreed that a return trip to record this road on Video will be in order.
Before it hits US 40, we would head west once again along CR 350, run into Cartersburg Road, and then on CR 200 East. After this little trip south, we made our way west again on CR 400. SR 39 would arrive, and we would take it south.
At the south end of Clayton, IN, we headed west again on CR 500. Amo, Coatsville, and Fillmore would be the next towns we would pass through on our way west through the Indiana Country Side.
The GPS planned a different route that Streets and Trips, and so a little back tracking east would get us to another little stretch I just have to ride while I am in this area. It is near Edgewood, and is marked CR 525. It is a nice little meandering road with lots of trees, scenery, and a creek.
SR 240 veers off of US 40 east of here, and then leads in to the town of Greencastle, home to Depauw University. We rolled our way through town, turning south at the square, and then west on Walnut Street. The road changes names to CR 100 to CR 125, and then finally Greencastle Road.
Greencastle jogs as it crosses SR 57, but on the west side of the road it is gravel, so we headed a bit further south to 900 South. This road makes it way west to Bridgeton, Indiana. Even though the roads change names, there are signs that point your way to Bridgeton.
We cruised past the Brigeton Covered Bridge along Greencastle Road, and then headed north out of the little berg. As we had been getting more and more into farm country, we noticed the fields a blaze with yellow. I couldn't tell if it was Golden Rod, and I am no gardener, but it covered any field that had not been touched so far this year. With as much as there was, and how easily it must grow, someone needs to find a need for this stuff.
Parke County has a lot of gravel roads, so we snaked our way through tree farms north of Bridgeton on 80 East. We were making our way north to Rockville, Indiana. We made our way into town on the square, and pulled into Weber's Family Restaurant.
With lunch in our bellies, we swore that it got cooler, wait, not just cooler, but colder! Clouds had increased in amount they covered the sky, and how thick they were. Here we were, heading to a place for Ice Cream!
We headed out on US 36 west to near the border with Illinois. We came to the town of Montezuma, and parked just outside the Tasty Freeze. I asked Kasey to call me Jack, if I could call her Diane. We each got a small cool treat, and with our insides cooled, our outside felt warmer.
A few more miles west, we would hit SR 63, and head north. We would pass Newport, home to a chemical depot and an antique auto hill climb. Apparently, climbing long hills used to be difficult for cars? Way before my time, as The Pearl seemed to be able mount any hill.
SR 234 would take us east to US 41, which we would head north on to get above Shades State Park. South on SR 231 would lead us through Wallace, Indiana, and back to SR 234. 234 leads past Shades State Park and through the park on a great twisty wooded road. Another good place to video the ride.
We would continue winding our way along SR 234 to SR 75, and headed south at Jamestown, Indiana. In North Salem, we veered onto SR 236, and made our way south and east through some great country. SR 236 terminates at SR 39, which we took south to the northern edge of Danville, Indiana. We said good bye to my brother, which was really a see ya later, as Mother's Day would be celebrated at his house tomorrow. Kasey and I continued back to her house.

It was one of those mornings that the wind rustles the leaves and makes it sound like it is a downpour. In the morning it was supposed to rain, but there was nothing but sunshine pouring on the leaves. Even with the sun, it was still chilly, and the wind was not making it any warmer.
I had to run to the bank before heading to the meeting spot, as I was low on dead presidents. After a brief stint at the ATM, we headed back west on US 36 to Shell/Circle K that I would meet my brother for today's ride.
We chatted for a bit, then headed out south on SR 267. It was a short trip, as we turned on CR 100 one mile south. We headed further west, passed Royal Troone, and then headed south on CR 525.
A jog in the road would put us on Vestal Road. I was not prepared for how twisty and scenic this road would be. Kasey and I both agreed that a return trip to record this road on Video will be in order.
Before it hits US 40, we would head west once again along CR 350, run into Cartersburg Road, and then on CR 200 East. After this little trip south, we made our way west again on CR 400. SR 39 would arrive, and we would take it south.
At the south end of Clayton, IN, we headed west again on CR 500. Amo, Coatsville, and Fillmore would be the next towns we would pass through on our way west through the Indiana Country Side.
The GPS planned a different route that Streets and Trips, and so a little back tracking east would get us to another little stretch I just have to ride while I am in this area. It is near Edgewood, and is marked CR 525. It is a nice little meandering road with lots of trees, scenery, and a creek.
SR 240 veers off of US 40 east of here, and then leads in to the town of Greencastle, home to Depauw University. We rolled our way through town, turning south at the square, and then west on Walnut Street. The road changes names to CR 100 to CR 125, and then finally Greencastle Road.
Greencastle jogs as it crosses SR 57, but on the west side of the road it is gravel, so we headed a bit further south to 900 South. This road makes it way west to Bridgeton, Indiana. Even though the roads change names, there are signs that point your way to Bridgeton.
We cruised past the Brigeton Covered Bridge along Greencastle Road, and then headed north out of the little berg. As we had been getting more and more into farm country, we noticed the fields a blaze with yellow. I couldn't tell if it was Golden Rod, and I am no gardener, but it covered any field that had not been touched so far this year. With as much as there was, and how easily it must grow, someone needs to find a need for this stuff.
Parke County has a lot of gravel roads, so we snaked our way through tree farms north of Bridgeton on 80 East. We were making our way north to Rockville, Indiana. We made our way into town on the square, and pulled into Weber's Family Restaurant.
With lunch in our bellies, we swore that it got cooler, wait, not just cooler, but colder! Clouds had increased in amount they covered the sky, and how thick they were. Here we were, heading to a place for Ice Cream!
We headed out on US 36 west to near the border with Illinois. We came to the town of Montezuma, and parked just outside the Tasty Freeze. I asked Kasey to call me Jack, if I could call her Diane. We each got a small cool treat, and with our insides cooled, our outside felt warmer.
A few more miles west, we would hit SR 63, and head north. We would pass Newport, home to a chemical depot and an antique auto hill climb. Apparently, climbing long hills used to be difficult for cars? Way before my time, as The Pearl seemed to be able mount any hill.
SR 234 would take us east to US 41, which we would head north on to get above Shades State Park. South on SR 231 would lead us through Wallace, Indiana, and back to SR 234. 234 leads past Shades State Park and through the park on a great twisty wooded road. Another good place to video the ride.
We would continue winding our way along SR 234 to SR 75, and headed south at Jamestown, Indiana. In North Salem, we veered onto SR 236, and made our way south and east through some great country. SR 236 terminates at SR 39, which we took south to the northern edge of Danville, Indiana. We said good bye to my brother, which was really a see ya later, as Mother's Day would be celebrated at his house tomorrow. Kasey and I continued back to her house.