Birthday Ride 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Well, today's ride is a family event, my birthday, and it was going to be a family ride. With my brother in tow, we headed out to Washington Street, the east to Franklin.
We took Franklin south to Troy, and headed east again. Using Kitley and London Roads, we made our way further south and east.
London Road is one of my favorite roads, and we made quick work of its curves. It was not long before we made our way into Boggstown, Indiana. Some more county roads, and it was on to Flat Rock River Road, and scenic stroll over the Flat Rock River.
From there, we meandered our way through Greencastle, stopping for some water, and a break, then south to Napolean, where we made a turn east, and arrived in Batesville, Indiana.
Another great road lead us north, arriving on US 52, just west of Metamora, Indiana. We cruised into town, taking note of all the shops in this Tourist Trap, so of them closed from the economy. We were able to find parking along the canal, across from The Confectionery.
I thought the birds were chirping wildly, but no, it was the most recent adaption to his bike. Probably the most annoying alarm system I have ever heard.
After a little visit of the old fashioned soda place, and partaking in some of its delights, we mounted the bikes for the return trip. The first leg was a casual trip through the rest of town.
After a brief stint on US 52, we took SR 127 north, winding our way along the Big Blue River. We headed west, finding some nice tree lined roads that provided shade, and made man to make curves in the road.
Eventually, we made our way to US 40, and took The National Road west into the Circle City. Close to the city, we detoured to Tenth Street, a road that would allows to avoid construction, traffic lights, and traffic.

Well, today's ride is a family event, my birthday, and it was going to be a family ride. With my brother in tow, we headed out to Washington Street, the east to Franklin.
We took Franklin south to Troy, and headed east again. Using Kitley and London Roads, we made our way further south and east.
London Road is one of my favorite roads, and we made quick work of its curves. It was not long before we made our way into Boggstown, Indiana. Some more county roads, and it was on to Flat Rock River Road, and scenic stroll over the Flat Rock River.
From there, we meandered our way through Greencastle, stopping for some water, and a break, then south to Napolean, where we made a turn east, and arrived in Batesville, Indiana.
Another great road lead us north, arriving on US 52, just west of Metamora, Indiana. We cruised into town, taking note of all the shops in this Tourist Trap, so of them closed from the economy. We were able to find parking along the canal, across from The Confectionery.
I thought the birds were chirping wildly, but no, it was the most recent adaption to his bike. Probably the most annoying alarm system I have ever heard.
After a little visit of the old fashioned soda place, and partaking in some of its delights, we mounted the bikes for the return trip. The first leg was a casual trip through the rest of town.
After a brief stint on US 52, we took SR 127 north, winding our way along the Big Blue River. We headed west, finding some nice tree lined roads that provided shade, and made man to make curves in the road.
Eventually, we made our way to US 40, and took The National Road west into the Circle City. Close to the city, we detoured to Tenth Street, a road that would allows to avoid construction, traffic lights, and traffic.