Celebrating with Old Friends
Friday, August 28, 2009

It is hard top believe, but one year ago, I hopped on The Pearl, rode it over to Danville, Indiana for the only the second time to pick up Kasey to go on a ride. It was her second ride with me, and I was going to introduce her to some of my friends. They wouldn't shake her hand, or give her hug, but they would carry her over trouble waters. We took a tour of Covered Bridges, and did run into a couple of human friends, the owners of the Bridgeton Mill.
So flash forward a year. The Pearl is in the driveway, we have our helmets and riding gear on, and the bike packed down for a long weekend. We are heading back into Covered Bridge Territory, after a trip to Danville, Illinois.
We headed out of town making our way south. We meandered on Hendrick's County Roads until we got to SR 75. We took that south to US 40. We took The National Road west until we arrived at SR 243. The entrance to this state road is almost hidden, and I have missed it a couple of times. Kasey and I chatting away would make me miss it again, so after a quickie turn around, we were back on our way south.
This road has some great turns, and then crosses over I-70. On the south side is the Wilderness Cafe. Kasey and I have had lunch there before, and it was time, so we dropped in again. As we sat waiting for our food and eating, a gentle rain poured down. I decided to don the rain suit, and we took off again.
We continued south on SR 243, and had to back track to get on SR 246, as there was construction. We were heading west once again. We would be on SR 246, on our way to the border, and the Wabash River.
We would make our way south on SR 63, running along the Wabash, and even seeing some water along the way. The skies were growing cloudier, as I was hoping the storm would pass north of us before we head back that way.
SR 154 would be our path west in to Illinois and across the Wabash River. As I crossed, I could hear Jim Neibors singing, well, it was me singing, but I could hear that refrain.
We passed through the small river town of Hutsonville, stopping in front of a school to let the buses out. We would make our way to SR 1, and head north. I have been on and off this road several times. In fact, this one of the first roads that I ever road this bike on!
By the time we got to Chrisman, it was apparent that the water from the sky was not going to be avoided. As it started to pour, we found a self car wash, and we pulled into to take cover. As far as making the bike dirty, the damage was already done.
We hid out for some 45 minutes. The rain ceased, and we hit the wet roads, heading north once again. This was the end of the storm, and the skies cleared more and more as got closer to the hotel.
We ventured out into farm country for a bit, meandering our way north to the other Danville. It was getting cool and dark as we pulled into town. The GPS guided me right the hotel, and pulled under the canopy. We were done for the night. Tomorrow we would head back to the Hoosier State for some Covered Bridges.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Like most weekends, and about all weekends you wake up in a hotel, you are not in a rush to get up and going. We were no exception! We had 10 Covered Bridges to see on the trip, so we need to get started!
We made our way out of town on the southeast side, eventually picking up on Grape Creek Lane, which turned into Stony Creek Road, even though it followed the same creek.
Once back across the Wabash, the road would become IN 32, which took us further east into the 19th State. From there we made our way on some back county roads, including a few that were made of gravel, and we avoided.
Eventually, we made our way near Howard, Indiana, and our first Covered Bridge. I had not ever been to this one. It was an out of the way bridge over Mill Creek. It was a stretch of a couple hundred yards on gravel to get to, but a rare find, as the bridge was very secluded.

After crossing the bridge and taking pictures, we headed further south to the town of West Union, and the West Union Covered Bridge. Another one I had not been to, so some pictures were in order!

From there we made our way into Rockville, Indiana, and quick stop at a drug store to get some batteries. Mine were dying in my camera, and I knew I had more pictures to take!
From there we headed further south, and eventually arrived at Crooks Covered Bridge. I remember this one, as it has a cable looped from it to a nearby tree to keep it from leaning over. Despite this, you can still cross this bridge, or take the concrete "chicken out" bridge. After some pictures, we made our way across both bridges, and headed back south.

it was a short trip to next Covered Bridge, is this four or five? Anyway, it is the Neet Covered Bridge. What sets this one apart is that it is settled on a park like setting that the farmer that lives adjacent maintains. It is also the site of a great picture that Kasey and I took with The Pearl.

Another short hop, and we were in Bridgeton, Indiana, and you will never guess how it got its name? Yep, a Covered Bridge! There is also a mill, that has been turned into a gift shop and cafe, open 10 in the morning, until the owners get tired. This was our stopping spot for lunch.
We went south out of town, and made our way along county roads through Rosedale, Indiana. I came out here once for their Strawberry Festival, it was a great time!
The next stop was winding us back up north into Coxville, and the Coxville Covered Bridge. After some pictures, and two crossings, we continued heading north.
We crossed SR 41, and even though we were not on a magic carpet, we made our way to Mecca, Indiana that is. I have been to this Covered Bridge as well. It has an old school house, and an outdoor square dancing area near by.

Two more Covered Bridges would dot our way to Montezuma, Indiana. We crossed the Phillips Covered Bridge, and the Sim Smith Covered Bridge. Neither was a very long bridge, but I had not seen either one also.

In Montezuma, we made a stop outside the Tasty Freeze, and had a little snack. We were on SR 36, and took it across the Wabash, and into the Land of Lincoln.
it was getting late, so we decided to take a more direct route back to the hotel, so it was SR 150 north back into the city of the Van Dykes.
After a brief stop at the hotel, we made our way around town for a place to have dinner. This was a town that had no nightlife, at least none that we found that went on past nightfall! We found a great place that we got a lot of food for not very much money. Then it was back to the hotel for another night of rest.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Well, the weekend of celebration was over, and it was time to head back home, to other Danville. After a long hunt for breakfast, and taking our time savoring it, we decided to take a more direct route home.
We headed out of town through the north side, and made our way to State Line City. I am sure they had high hopes for this town, but it doesn't seem to have come through. We cruised through town quickly, and were back out in Farm Country.
We made our way through county roads, and some detours, and then into Covington, Indiana. We eventually made our way onto SR 136, and through Veedersburg. It looked to have nice place to eat, hmmmmmm, going to have to come back.
We stayed on SR 136 heading east and south, through Crawfordsville, and then into Lizton, Indiana. From there it was south on SR 39, and back to Danville, Indiana. All in all a good trip, and great way to celebrate a great year!!

It is hard top believe, but one year ago, I hopped on The Pearl, rode it over to Danville, Indiana for the only the second time to pick up Kasey to go on a ride. It was her second ride with me, and I was going to introduce her to some of my friends. They wouldn't shake her hand, or give her hug, but they would carry her over trouble waters. We took a tour of Covered Bridges, and did run into a couple of human friends, the owners of the Bridgeton Mill.
So flash forward a year. The Pearl is in the driveway, we have our helmets and riding gear on, and the bike packed down for a long weekend. We are heading back into Covered Bridge Territory, after a trip to Danville, Illinois.
We headed out of town making our way south. We meandered on Hendrick's County Roads until we got to SR 75. We took that south to US 40. We took The National Road west until we arrived at SR 243. The entrance to this state road is almost hidden, and I have missed it a couple of times. Kasey and I chatting away would make me miss it again, so after a quickie turn around, we were back on our way south.
This road has some great turns, and then crosses over I-70. On the south side is the Wilderness Cafe. Kasey and I have had lunch there before, and it was time, so we dropped in again. As we sat waiting for our food and eating, a gentle rain poured down. I decided to don the rain suit, and we took off again.
We continued south on SR 243, and had to back track to get on SR 246, as there was construction. We were heading west once again. We would be on SR 246, on our way to the border, and the Wabash River.
We would make our way south on SR 63, running along the Wabash, and even seeing some water along the way. The skies were growing cloudier, as I was hoping the storm would pass north of us before we head back that way.
SR 154 would be our path west in to Illinois and across the Wabash River. As I crossed, I could hear Jim Neibors singing, well, it was me singing, but I could hear that refrain.
We passed through the small river town of Hutsonville, stopping in front of a school to let the buses out. We would make our way to SR 1, and head north. I have been on and off this road several times. In fact, this one of the first roads that I ever road this bike on!
By the time we got to Chrisman, it was apparent that the water from the sky was not going to be avoided. As it started to pour, we found a self car wash, and we pulled into to take cover. As far as making the bike dirty, the damage was already done.
We hid out for some 45 minutes. The rain ceased, and we hit the wet roads, heading north once again. This was the end of the storm, and the skies cleared more and more as got closer to the hotel.
We ventured out into farm country for a bit, meandering our way north to the other Danville. It was getting cool and dark as we pulled into town. The GPS guided me right the hotel, and pulled under the canopy. We were done for the night. Tomorrow we would head back to the Hoosier State for some Covered Bridges.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Like most weekends, and about all weekends you wake up in a hotel, you are not in a rush to get up and going. We were no exception! We had 10 Covered Bridges to see on the trip, so we need to get started!
We made our way out of town on the southeast side, eventually picking up on Grape Creek Lane, which turned into Stony Creek Road, even though it followed the same creek.
Once back across the Wabash, the road would become IN 32, which took us further east into the 19th State. From there we made our way on some back county roads, including a few that were made of gravel, and we avoided.
Eventually, we made our way near Howard, Indiana, and our first Covered Bridge. I had not ever been to this one. It was an out of the way bridge over Mill Creek. It was a stretch of a couple hundred yards on gravel to get to, but a rare find, as the bridge was very secluded.

After crossing the bridge and taking pictures, we headed further south to the town of West Union, and the West Union Covered Bridge. Another one I had not been to, so some pictures were in order!

From there we made our way into Rockville, Indiana, and quick stop at a drug store to get some batteries. Mine were dying in my camera, and I knew I had more pictures to take!
From there we headed further south, and eventually arrived at Crooks Covered Bridge. I remember this one, as it has a cable looped from it to a nearby tree to keep it from leaning over. Despite this, you can still cross this bridge, or take the concrete "chicken out" bridge. After some pictures, we made our way across both bridges, and headed back south.

it was a short trip to next Covered Bridge, is this four or five? Anyway, it is the Neet Covered Bridge. What sets this one apart is that it is settled on a park like setting that the farmer that lives adjacent maintains. It is also the site of a great picture that Kasey and I took with The Pearl.

Another short hop, and we were in Bridgeton, Indiana, and you will never guess how it got its name? Yep, a Covered Bridge! There is also a mill, that has been turned into a gift shop and cafe, open 10 in the morning, until the owners get tired. This was our stopping spot for lunch.
We went south out of town, and made our way along county roads through Rosedale, Indiana. I came out here once for their Strawberry Festival, it was a great time!
The next stop was winding us back up north into Coxville, and the Coxville Covered Bridge. After some pictures, and two crossings, we continued heading north.
We crossed SR 41, and even though we were not on a magic carpet, we made our way to Mecca, Indiana that is. I have been to this Covered Bridge as well. It has an old school house, and an outdoor square dancing area near by.

Two more Covered Bridges would dot our way to Montezuma, Indiana. We crossed the Phillips Covered Bridge, and the Sim Smith Covered Bridge. Neither was a very long bridge, but I had not seen either one also.

In Montezuma, we made a stop outside the Tasty Freeze, and had a little snack. We were on SR 36, and took it across the Wabash, and into the Land of Lincoln.
it was getting late, so we decided to take a more direct route back to the hotel, so it was SR 150 north back into the city of the Van Dykes.
After a brief stop at the hotel, we made our way around town for a place to have dinner. This was a town that had no nightlife, at least none that we found that went on past nightfall! We found a great place that we got a lot of food for not very much money. Then it was back to the hotel for another night of rest.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Well, the weekend of celebration was over, and it was time to head back home, to other Danville. After a long hunt for breakfast, and taking our time savoring it, we decided to take a more direct route home.
We headed out of town through the north side, and made our way to State Line City. I am sure they had high hopes for this town, but it doesn't seem to have come through. We cruised through town quickly, and were back out in Farm Country.
We made our way through county roads, and some detours, and then into Covington, Indiana. We eventually made our way onto SR 136, and through Veedersburg. It looked to have nice place to eat, hmmmmmm, going to have to come back.
We stayed on SR 136 heading east and south, through Crawfordsville, and then into Lizton, Indiana. From there it was south on SR 39, and back to Danville, Indiana. All in all a good trip, and great way to celebrate a great year!!