Fort Harrison Veterans Center Fundraiser

Saturday, September 6, 2014 It wasn't a pretty day to be taking off for a ride, and while my favorite riding partner, Kasey, and I prepared to leave, we kept asking each other if we were going or not. It was kind of like the Poker Run from this year's Gathering of Eagles all over again. I wouldn't be posting here, if I didn't ride, so we did at least leave the house. With the clouds hanging over, it was also a cool morning, so we had the rain gear already on. We were on way to the former Fort Benjamin Harrison on the northeast side of Indianapolis. We arrived on the former base, and made our way around to the Veteran's Center, the target of the funds this ride was raising money for. Sitting in the rained soaked parking lot was about twenty-five motorcycles. Some were parked in spaces, others seemed kind of lined up, so we pulled into the line. A pair of motorcycles pulled in to line up in the row next to us. The air was wet, pretty much just a mist, one o...