Fort Harrison Veterans Center Fundraiser

Saturday, September 6, 2014

It wasn't a pretty day to be taking off for a ride, and while my favorite riding partner, Kasey, and I prepared to leave, we kept asking each other if we were going or not. It was kind of like the Poker Run from this year's Gathering of Eagles all over again.

I wouldn't be posting here, if I didn't ride, so we did at least leave the house. With the clouds hanging over, it was also a cool morning, so we had the rain gear already on. We were on way to the former Fort Benjamin Harrison on the northeast side of Indianapolis. We arrived on the former base, and made our way around to the Veteran's Center, the target of the funds this ride was raising money for.

Sitting in the rained soaked parking lot was about twenty-five motorcycles. Some were parked in spaces, others seemed kind of lined up, so we pulled into the line. A pair of motorcycles pulled in to line up in the row next to us.

The air was wet, pretty much just a mist, one of those you feel like can burn off fast if the sun could crack through the clouds. We ducked inside to the center to register and grab breakfast. As I expecting, the day started out as it would continue. Number one with the rain, and number two with the other riders thinking I was the Veteran. We would correct them, and the stories of her service would follow. One of the older gentlemen that pulled in with us looked familiar, and kept referring to Kasey as "Air Force." She didn't mind at all.

A call for a riders meeting was made, and we all gathered in the cool drizzle to hear our instructions. There was about forty bikes ready to ride when we came back outside. We would be broken up into four squadrons of about ten bikes each. After the talk, and the first group pulled away, we continued to talk to the other two men. Found out I knew one of them, as he was the owner of a restaurant in Plainfield.

We were the last Squadron, but eventually our time came to head on the road. The rain was a bit heavier, but still a pretty light shower. We pulled out of the parking lot, taking a short stretch on 59th Street to Lee Road. We were all slow and cautious, everyone trying to make sure traction wouldn't be an issue on this wet pavement.

We took Lee Road north, riding through the north end of the former base. A ninety degree turn, and the we took a right onto Fall Creek Parkway. The rained waned as we passed Geist Reservoir. Once around the top of the lake, we continued onto 96th Street. We jogged onto Georgia, 104th, and Florida Streets, then 113th, to County Road 1025 to make our way to where Fall Creek Parkway picks up again.

It doesn't sound like much of a trip, but it was along some really scenic roads. We would have been able to see more if it wasn't for the raindrops. Eventually we pulled on to Reformatory Road near the Pendleton Prison. Yep, we drove passed a prison. We pulled into the town of Pendleton, through the main intersection in town, and into the parking lot of the Speedway Gas Station. Two of the groups were still sitting in the fueling station, so we pulled in and parked in line in the empty are we could get all the bikes.

For as little as we have ridden, I thought the break ran a bit long, but we got back on the road, heading east on State Road 38. Believe or not, even in the rain, there were a few homes hosting yard and garage sales. Before SR 38 got us to New Castle, we turned south on County Road 275 West. Down this road was Summit Lake Park. We pulled all the way through the park, including a loop in the parking lot overlooking the lake. We returned back to near the entrance, and pulled the line of bikes over to take another break.

Kasey and I examined the park, and really liked it, some place we would want to return. We grabbed a bottle of water, and took advantage of the facilities that the park had. We chatted more with the group, and after a bit of time, hopped back on the bikes.

After leaving the park, we continued south on CR 275 West, to Greensboro Pike. We had been warned the hill and stop was not easy, so a rider checked for traffic and we all went at once. It wasn't that tricky of an intersection, but with the wet conditions, that was a good call.

Greensboro Pike was a long and winding road that took is all the way to Knightstown. We pulled into down, making our to downtown, and then parking. Knightstown had recently added a very nice Veteran's Park, and I was glad we stopped to see it. The rain pretty much let up, but the sun was still very blocked from making any appearance.

It was now time to start making the trip back home. We hit US 40 for a short bit, then headed north on State Road 109. State Road 234 would be the road that would take us back west toward Indianapolis. State Road 67 would be a slight left turn, and few jogs would put us on 63rd Street which lead us back to Lee Road. This time as the bikes filed into the parking lot, we pulled into spaces.

Lunch and warmth was waiting inside. Prizes would be given away, and an auction was held. Not too many bidders, but things were passed around to the riders. Kasey was our lucky winner, grabbing a night stay at a hotel in Indianapolis. At least the folder was easy to get back home.

We made our home, not the most enjoyable ride, the weather was just not friendly on this ride. I hope it doesn't sound like I was complaining about the rain, as it is was small price to pay to raise funds to make things more comfortable for Veterans.


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