Strange Sightings from the Saddle
Originally Published in Southeastern Rider Magazine, December 2016
I have been around long enough, and done several different things long enough to know that if you something for a while great stories emerge. Like the time Kasey, my favorite riding partner, and I were riding in Illinois and came upon the town of Chittyville. Here are a few more of the strange sightings I have seen from the saddle.
Let’s start with animals. I’m sure we have all had our own encounters with wildlife on the road. Here is my elephant on the road. On trip from Indianapolis to Fayetteville, Arkansas, the sightseeing got started early. Just off the road, perched up on the hill was an African Elephant. The gray beast stood tall. We were in no harm, as the Indianapolis Zoo had designed for this happen. Wasn’t my first time seeing an elephant up on that hill, but since I had a couple of guys from out of town riding along, I had to make sure to point it out.
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Considering that a squirrel got scalped, this is not much of an action shot from that day. I do wish I had video. |
On another ride through the Hoosier Countryside, I was following “Easy Rider” Jim. He and I had shared many miles together, including a trip on The Tail of the Dragon at Deal’s Gap. On this outing, we were riding along one of my favorite roads to one of my favorite Indiana spots, a covered bridge. While rounding a sweeper, I saw a squirrel dart out from the woods, scurrying straight at Jim’s Honda Shadow Sabre. He looked like he was going for the small, moving space between the front and rear tire. While a small animal, a distraction is a distraction. The little brown creature smacked right into the side of his rear wheel, hitting it as square as possible. The four legged animal bounced backwards, and up, about two feet off the ground! I had slowed, not knowing what might happen to allow extra room in case an evasive maneuver was in order. The squirrel landed, not missing a running step, and darted in front of my up into the woods. My only thought was that was going to be made fun of until the bald spot on his head grows back.
On a longer trip, Indianapolis to Hershey, Pennsylvania to Jacksonville, Florida, Kasey and I were riding through Georgia. I was trying to stay as close to the coast as I could, and after some great riding through the Carolina’s, we were treated some of the most mundane, and beach free riding we had ever had. One spot that was close enough to the road though, provided another sight. If you ride on the super slab, you will see (tire) alligators, or strips of rubber that have peeled off of tires, usually the ones spinning round on semi-trucks. This gator in the road was different; he had a tail, short stubby legs, and was breathing. About the length on the motorcycle, he was sunning himself in the right track of the lane. We were riding alone, and thankfully, in the left track.
My final animal tale, pun intended, is one of my favorite road stories. My brother and I were riding down Skyline Drive. As we were finishing up one of the many sweepers on the scenic road, I spotted a small deer in the ditch. It was bent over, taking a bite of something. I figured the bikes would spook the fawn, and it would run off into the woods. No such luck, as it turned, spotted me, and hopped into the traffic lane. I slowed, and eased the bike onto the double yellow line. I could see down the road, and no traffic was oncoming. As I got closer, I eased over further into the other lane. I kept my eyes on the baby as I eased passed it. I began accelerating, gradually easing into the throttle. My attention then turned to my mirrors, making sure my brother made it around. He was a little bit further behind me, but still in the right track. I couldn’t see the deer anymore. That is, until after I shifted back into my lane, and into second gear, and looked back to see my brother. The fawn was running its heart out, right alongside my motorcycle. I was still gradually increasing speed. My fear grew into thinking about where there is a baby, there is a mother and a father. After about 100 yards, the deer decided to head into the woods.
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My brother's Kawasaki Concours and my Honda Shadow Sabre at the beginning of Skyline Drive. Great vistas, and up and close experience with the wildlife. |
For finally story, I will leave the animal world, and go to ride out in a very desolate area in Texas. This was part of an eight day, 4000 mile odyssey from Indianapolis to Carlsbad, New Mexico and back. We were in big sky country, where the blue sky meets the sandy ground. About the only green was the cacti that dotted the Lone Star State Road. Out in the distance I, and the two others I was riding with, could see a structure by the side of the road. We had no idea what it could be, so we began to slow, just to see what the attraction could be. Could it be a fountain supplied by some spring out in the middle of nowhere? Could it be some kind of shelter for people waiting for a bus? Two strikes! A word on the end of the building was coming into focus: PRADA. What is a Prada, I thought? Was we cruised by, we could peer through the large window that made the front of the display. Yes, I said display. A display of shoes. Out in the middle of nowhere, two rows of shows lined up behind glass. My first thought was that this was on the biggest waste of advertising dollars I have seen. Later, as I was telling this story for about the 100th time, I realized that this could be pure marketing genius. I know about those shoes, the people I have told know, and now you all do to!
So go out there and make your own stories, and don’t be afraid to share them. To read more of my motorcycle stories, you can check out my Motorcycle Blog at