The Big Chrome Pipe!

April 27, 2006

After lots of days with sunshine, "Spring" finally returned to Indiana. Actually, it felt like it had gone from April to October, completely forgetting about all those months with warm sunny days! So the rain has pushed out, and it s that time of year when it is still chilly in the morning, but glorious in the afternoon. For being cold, around 40 degrees, in the morning, I am rewarded with Sun and 70 Degrees on my ride after work.

Now to today's title: I installed my exhaust modification I am working on last night. Yes, I rode when I go it one there, but only about a mile up and down the street, hardly worth it's own entry. I am seriously looking into shipping out to a place in Minnesota that will cut the length of the muffler down about five inches. I am thinking that will be perfect.

I headed out of the drive way in the morning with the sun still coming. Last year the sun would have been up for an hour, and things would have been a lot warmer. It is the Time Zone thing again! Anyway, I took my usually route, and observed the usual idiots weaving in and out of traffic. At one point, I wondered why a women in a van pulled out in front of me, and then preceded down Washington Street at about 20 mph. Guess What? She was on a cell phone. Ever notice how the people who think they can do something, really can't? If anyone makes a claim, you know the opposite is true. It reminds me of rainman, "Oh Yeah, I'm an excellent driver."

After being stuck behind a bus or two, and wondering what another crazy drive was going to do in front of me, she didn't signal her turn until she was nearly making it! I made it into the parking lot of work. So I decided to write the first part of this entry. It is sunny and 67, and I am dying for the clock to read quitting time!

So the clock slowy wound up to 4 o'clock, and I couldn't wait any longer, so I took of for the PUD (Parental Unit Dwelling). I stopped at Wild Oats first.

Dad was outside working on his homemade box top for his BMW Motorcycle. I pulled up, and backed my bime into the garage. I wanted the exhaust side toward the door to the house, so mom and dad could see my handy work.

Grwoing up, my dad said he would never want a radio on his bike, he just enjoyed the sound of the engine, and the sound of the road. However, when he bought a fairly new BMW Touring Bike, that all changed. Often, when he pulls up next to me when we are riding together, my exhaust is drown out by the strains of Johnny Cash! I guess old dogs can learn new tricks!

After a large taco salad, mom wanted to try again, as the one she made a couple weeks ago was failure, but it tatsed fine to me, but the one this week was a little better. We sat around and talked and watched television. I didn't mind news programs, but when the show "Extra" come son, I kind of have to squirm. This has got to be the worst television in the world. Tonight, the big story was Amy Fisher, 15 years later! Excuse me while I vomit!

I hope to ride Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so stay tuned. My fingers may get tired, too, so there may be delay of writing in there. Yeah right, you know, if the weather is good, I won't be writing, I will RIDING!


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