The Riding Season Draws Closer

March 19, 2006

First a disclaimer: I actually rode the day before, Saturday the 18, and I didn't create an entry. In my defense, I had only changed the oil, and test rode the bike to check for leaks. It wasn't even two miles!!

Second, the date is a Sunday, and I was headed to Shapiro's for breakfast, so now you know why I would through my leg over the bike and take off when the temperture was 25 degrees. If I said that I did not feel any of the cold, I would be a liar. My fingertips were starting to feel the chill toward the end of the ride.

It was mostly a normal breakfast, but as some have trailered south to go riding, and others have been pulling plans together to go riding, the talk went more with hitting the road. Ron had just returned from a trip around Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas. Like others in the group, he has a National Park Stamp Book, and likes to collect as many stmaps as he can on any trip.

Those who rode besides myself were Tony, Jim, and Gene. I enjoyed my short stack, a return to my classic favorite.

Gene had just taken deleivery of new bike, so we had to adjourn to take a look. While outside, I showed Jim the mods I had done, mostly my LED driving lights. Most everyone had left, so the three of us, Jim, Gene, and I went back into the restuarant to talk about our Spring Break trip Texas. Most of the discussion was what we expect, how long we plan to drive, and how fast. Steve, the other rider who was busy ferrying his father to church, and Gene are both bus drivers, so we have to keep it low on the speedo to no put their CDL's in jeopardy.

We all suited back up, and hit the road on our separate ways. One thing I wanted to check was how the CB worked on the bike. There was still some static at close range, but Jim, on his Goldwing, said the radio got better, the further away I got from him. He was very excited about the clarity when were riding away from each other on oppoiste ends on the block.

The trip home featured a lot sun on my back, which felt great. Another short trip, another short ride. I hope to be writing again next Sunday, and stay tuned for daily entries of the Texas trip!!


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