Cruiser Club Meeting Day

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Usually the first Thursday of the month is day that the Indianapolis Chapter of Cruiser Club, USA meets. Since we love to Ride to Eat, Eat to Ride, we meet at place that has some good food. I moved the meeting to the second Thursday, number one because I would be in Mackinaw City, and second, when it is the first day of the month, we don't get as much participation. Hey, I am the president, so I can do what I want!

First thing first, I have to ride to work. Since Nina's work schedule has been changed, often on these mornings, we leave at the same time, and end up following each other for part of the way. Since I am left with having to close the garage door, don a helmet, gloves, etc. she is usually out in front of me.

I arrived at work with the regular route, at the regular time, yada, yada, yada. As I was leaving work, some production people were arriving for the night of Pledge Drive that was coming, featuring the Blue Man Group. Their fifteen minutes must be at about 14:55 if they are on PBS. Most of the Pledge Specials are dead people - John Denver, Roy Orbison, etc.

I headed off, going north on Meridian Street for a block or two, and then west on 16th street. I would continue on this street until the town of Speedway, where I angle northwest on Crawfordsville Road. It crosses High School Road, which I take north to the 3000 block, and McGilvery's Speedway Pub. The patio will be reserved for us, and we can sit in the sun, and bask in the glory of our bikes. Reed's Valkyrie was already there, as well as my dad's BMW. My brother rode down in his truck. Apparently, the e-mail addresses for my dad, and another member, TV Tony, are wrong, and they had shown up the previous week.

Duncan and his neighbor, Hughes, were also there, riding in Hughes new pride and joy, an older Cutlass Convertible. They had already accosted the waitress. The evening played on with a mix of conversations, and good food. Most of the discussion at least related to travel, if not motorcycle travel.

Reed and I had to head to the east side, so we both headed off together. We seemed to have a little trouble with who was going to lead, I figured he had further to go, so he should lead. We made it up on I-65, following it through town to I-70. I ramped off at 465, heading south to Washington Street. We have an Insurance Company at the end of out street, and they have a sign that they can change the verbiage on. Each week they post a new tid bit of wisdom. I can't remember what this week's is, but it still hadn't change for this week.


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