Another Sunday to Shapiro's
Sunday, August 27th, 2006 Here it is Sunday once again, and Shapiro's Deli calls with a Veggie Omelet, and some kindred spirits of the two wheel kind. I started off heading west on Washington Street. I went south on Arlington. The GPS re-routed me on Brookville Road, but I didn't take that either. After passing another street, I decided to take the road the GPS recommended. I believe it was Minnesota, and it started out nicely tree lined with some sweeping corners. It soon gave way to a unique neighborhood, and homes lining the streets. Minnesota would run into Southeastern, which I would take for about a mile, until I veered left onto Prospect. I didn't see the older black gentleman that I have seen a couple of times along this Sunday Morning Sojourn. I hope that I was either too early, or too late. It would ease me if I did see him, though. I rolled by the Fountain Square Area, and on into downtown. At Meridian Street, I turned north, and it would be only a few b...