The Sun in Two Forms

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Sometimes when you ride, the day can be a study in contrasts, long, straight roads turn to seemingly short, twisty ones. A ride alone can turn into a group ride. And a sunny day can turn to rain, liquid sunshine, I think some call it.

When I left for work on this morning, the sun was shining through some of the thick clouds. The air was cool, and the wind kicked up as only a cold front can do. Sure, there was a threat of rain, but I braved it anyway, beside we had a club meeting tonight, so I had to ride.

While inside, working away, the sunshine would pour all over my bike, in that liquid form I talked about. Actually, it gave it a good washing, and looked quite good, and dry, when I came out from work.

I rode along 14th street to Illinois Street, taking it north to 16th, and then out west past the Speedway. Things were gearing up for this weekend's race. I wouldn't be around, I would be in Maine, or close by then, and ready to board the Schooner Timberwind. At the first turn, I beared right, northwest, to cruise up Crawfordsville Road. The road is lined with racing shops, popped up for the weekend. Everywhere I looked, I could see rows of bricks. At High School Road, I turned north, and it was a short trip to McGilvery's Speedway Pub.

Once again, the bike would get washing, about 20 minutes worth. The wind and rain would force the club members inside for the duration. The manager, always accommodating to us, was quick to get the patio are dried, and ready for us to return outside. Because of this threatening weather, I was the only one who rode.

I hopped don the bike, and started my journey home. I continued on High School Road to 38th Street, and took it East until it turned into I-65, then I-70. The interstate would lead me all the way to the east side of town, and to the 465, the city's beltway, where I would go south to Washington Street.


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