The Birthday Weekend Begins!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Besides my own birthday in August, I seem to have surrounded myself with lots of other people who share the eight month of the year for their birth. I found out I have another, in a new freelancer, former intern, at WFYI. Because of this, the weekends are usually shot for celebrations. This Saturday would be no exception, as a a friend I have known since high school wanted to surprise his wife on her 40th birthday.

I let the GPS plan the route, with one detour, to pick up a birthday card. Yes, I like to wait for the last minute! I headed north up Shadeland Avenue. It is truncated, and picks up with I-465, the beltway around Indianapolis. I figured the GPS was sending me that way, and up to I-69. But once I was on 465, it told me I was off route. I guess it was taking a more interesting route? Usually, you can get a more scenic route with "Shorter Distance" rather than "Faster Time".

I still headed up 465 to 69 North. I often ignore the GPS when I am in familiar turf. I do like the option that show me what time I will be arriving, so I know if I am going to be late, or too early.

I exited the highway to Fort Wayne, Indiana at 82nd Street, and headed east. After a few miles, I turned north on Sergeant Road. The road had some weaves and twists in it. I was kind of surprised, as I figured the developers would have straighten this out during the long boom this area has experienced. I would veer off of Sergeant at Mud Creek Road. It was tree lined with mature trees, and the few houses that were around, sat far back off the road. Shortly, I would come to the neighborhood roads in my friend's sub-division.

Despite my friend's poor planning efforts, as the street was lined with cars all along, and in front of the house, she was still surprised. The grilled was fired, and the gluttony began! Sitting outside was not hot, but humid. You never felt warm, just sweaty, and like you couldn't believe. I know everyone complains about humidity, I have even heard a complaint in Texas, where it was probably about 25 percent. Come to Indiana, we frequently have 100, 100 days, 100 Degrees, 100 percent humidity.

I left the house with enough time to get home, mow the lawn, and get ready for another celebration, my own! Since I enjoyed the route to, I decided to re-trace my steps. Funny, I followed the GPS Track almost completely!

My riding was over for the day, but the partying was not over for today, or the weekend.


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