Three Short Rides in the Last Week

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The weather has not been cooperative with riding, must be because the race is coming up! Actually, today's ride was iffy at best until the morning. With my scan of the skies, and the ok from the weather man, I decided to venture out on two wheels. If I hadn't, I wouldn't be writing this!!

My meeting was WFYI, my former employer, and now a client, so I headed out along the route I have many times before. I went west on Washington Street to Delaware, which goes one way north. I took that to Tenth Street, and headed west two blocks to Meridian Street. After four more blocks north, I arrived at WFYI.

The meeting went by pretty quickly, and stayed on course, which is unusual for meetings! I decided I wanted to get home quick, so I after a few blocks south on Pennsylvania Street, I headed east to the ramp for I 70/I 65. Even though I was taking the highway, it wouldn't be fast! With the construction, the speed limit is a very enforced 45mph. I cruised along the super slab, and eventually arrived at I 465 on the east side of town. I went south for a couple of miles, and then back on Washington Street and home.

A side not to this ride, it was my first real trip with my new back tire, this time a Good Year Triple Tread. Yes it is a car tire. My last one got a nail in it, with lots of miles available. From a previous post, the plug was not holding, so I bit the bullet.

Normally, you need a couple hundred miles to scrub in a motorcycle tire. After 20 some miles on the car tire, I am ready to ride anywhere! And I can ride about anywhere with an 80,000 mile warranty!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007
After returning to my garage roof for some work on Thursday Morning, I relaxed for the afternoon, and was looking forward to a leisurely drive to my parent's for dinner. My dad said mom had a hair appointment, so we would be getting Arby's for dinner.

I headed out on Washington Street, heading west once again. I took Emerson North, and would be on it until Kessler Boulevard. Kessler is kind of like a parkway, and weaves around through town. I turned north on Keystone. The traffic got heavier and heavier until I got to 98th Street, where I turned west, to jog over to Westfield Boulevard, which I would take north to my parent's street.

Though it took Dad and I while to get dinner, traffic was really bad, it was still an hour before mom showed up with her new do!

I had to make my trip to Wild Oats, so it was back down Westfield Boulevard, around the 96th Street Roundabout, and then down to 91st Street to take the back way into Nora Shopping Center.

After a quick shopping trip through Wild Oats, I headed for home. I exited the shopping center on to 86th Street, headed west to Keystone, which would be my way to 465. I did a quarter loop around town, and arrived back at Washington Street.

Memorial Day Monday, May 28, 2007
And finally, the last little trip for this entry. Wasn't sure we were riding until the last minute, when Nina said it was ok to take the bike. We started out going north on our street to get to 10th Street. We headed east to Franklin, and took it north to Pendelton Pike. I am still getting used to the new back tire, and I may need to adjust pressure, as the rear end is a little unforgiving.

Pendleton Pike goes north and east until the street that Nina's Step Mom lives on. There was a kid mowing the lawn on her corner, and I think Nina waved to him.

After another great, and filling dinner, we mounted back up on the bike, and headed out. We went back south and west on Pendleton Pike. I took Mithoffer South, which would connect us to 10th Street. We would take 10th Street west to our o street, and arrive at home.

Well, that is the riding for the week! I hope to get a refreshing ride in tomorrow afternoon, and then get ready to hit the road to Wisconsin for the Soup Run, on Friday. More entries to come soon!!


Anonymous said…
Rodney, what did you have for a CT before the new one? I'm on the second season with my Falken and still no signs of wear. BTW, I like the new picture. :)

Anonymous said…
I had a Falken Ziex Car Tire on the back, 10,000 miles, not much wear. Would have gone at least another season and 10,000 miles, but it got a nail. I plugged it, and kept the tire,in case someone wants to try the Dark Side!

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