A Guilty PLeasure: Taking the Long Way Home
Monday, September 17, 2007
Got a all near 11am today from my friend John. He had mentioned when we worked together that he wanted to meet for lunch. I was on my back from returning some gear, and we made an appointment to go to Cheeseburger in Paradise on the southside.
I took the quick way to get there, using Shadeland to 465, to I-65 South. The restaurant is just south of Southport Road, a little winding drive through other eateries and hotels.
I got a phone call from John as I rode, and even though he didn't leave a message, I knew he was going to be late.
We talked more than we ate. In fact, it was probably the closest think I will ever get to a girl chat! lol We talked about all kinds of stuff, and hardly a solution for any of our problems came about, but it was good to talk about them.
We finished, and left the restaurant. I headed further south on I-65 until Main Street in Greenwood. I was taking the long, more winding way home. Yes, this is a guilty pleasure, having the time, and knowing a longer, better way to a destination.
I headed east on Main Street, and continued after it became Rockland Road. Eventually, the road T's. I went south, then east on a county road. All of this leads me to London Road. This is a nice curvy road, quite techincal, actually. You need your concentration to get through this road even at a moderate speed. There is very little margin for error, no shoulder, and very little run off!
I ran this route all the way through Sugar Creek, and over I-74. After a couple of jogs on county roads, I arrived at Pumpkin Vine Road. I would take that north to SR 52, Brookville Road.
I headed north and west until Muessing Street, taking it north over US 40, and to Tenth Street. I would take this all the way west to Kroger. I needed milk!
Sure,I could have made it to the grocery store, and home a lot sooner with a lot less miles, but this trip is one of those guilty pleasures you have to afford yourself. I have always been someone who could leave with guilt, and the guilt of this little trip will pass very soon!!
Got a all near 11am today from my friend John. He had mentioned when we worked together that he wanted to meet for lunch. I was on my back from returning some gear, and we made an appointment to go to Cheeseburger in Paradise on the southside.
I took the quick way to get there, using Shadeland to 465, to I-65 South. The restaurant is just south of Southport Road, a little winding drive through other eateries and hotels.
I got a phone call from John as I rode, and even though he didn't leave a message, I knew he was going to be late.
We talked more than we ate. In fact, it was probably the closest think I will ever get to a girl chat! lol We talked about all kinds of stuff, and hardly a solution for any of our problems came about, but it was good to talk about them.
We finished, and left the restaurant. I headed further south on I-65 until Main Street in Greenwood. I was taking the long, more winding way home. Yes, this is a guilty pleasure, having the time, and knowing a longer, better way to a destination.
I headed east on Main Street, and continued after it became Rockland Road. Eventually, the road T's. I went south, then east on a county road. All of this leads me to London Road. This is a nice curvy road, quite techincal, actually. You need your concentration to get through this road even at a moderate speed. There is very little margin for error, no shoulder, and very little run off!
I ran this route all the way through Sugar Creek, and over I-74. After a couple of jogs on county roads, I arrived at Pumpkin Vine Road. I would take that north to SR 52, Brookville Road.
I headed north and west until Muessing Street, taking it north over US 40, and to Tenth Street. I would take this all the way west to Kroger. I needed milk!
Sure,I could have made it to the grocery store, and home a lot sooner with a lot less miles, but this trip is one of those guilty pleasures you have to afford yourself. I have always been someone who could leave with guilt, and the guilt of this little trip will pass very soon!!