Some People Do the Stupidest Things!!

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007

First off, please notice that I say some people, not me, and not the people I was riding with. Also, the ride was fine, very enjoyable with nice weather, just a few hitches you will have to read on to find out about.

I started out around fifteen minutes after ten in the morning to head to the meeting spot for today's ride. We were heading on a rout that I have ridden most of quite a bit, and I am using it for the Poker Run at next year's Gathering of Eagles.

I pulled into the McDonalds/BP on South Kentucky Avenue, and there were three motorcycles already parked there. I saw another already pulled up to a pump. I knew my dad and another couple was coming, so we would have a nice group for the ride.

By the time 11:15 rolled around, we had nine people on eight bikes, a great size for a group ride. After a meeting, we put up the kickstands, fired up the engines, and headed south on SR-67.

We were on the State Highway for about 15 miles, and turned off on Shelton Road. After about mile, we made our way through a hairpin uphill right hander. One of the most difficult turns in Indiana. We then joined Wilber Road to Upper Patton Woods Road. We beared right, and onto Berean Road. This road was always a great ride, but now that it is repaved, it is a beautiful ride!

We turned onto Little Hurricane, then Big Hurricane, and Oliver Church Roads. This is where stupid thing number one occurred. I have ridden Oliver Church Road three to four times a season, and it is a very nice smooth road. It need no work done to it. But, some idiot in the street department thought it need a fresh layer of gravel? For what? To make the road worse? To make it slick? To make it tore up? Our Governor rides a motorcycle, I would like to see him take the lame brain who decided to drop the gravel, and ride down this road now!!

We were able to make it, and joined Turkey Neck Road. It has a couple of tight ten miles per hour turns, or Turkey Necks. We turned south on CR-550, and headed back to SR-67.

Along SR-67 on our way to Spencer, technically stupid thing number 2 happened, but since it was my father, I wasn't planning on mentioning it. The cap he was wearing blew off, and he stopped, turned around, and went to retrieve it. I knew we could pull over into the entrance of an old drive in theater. We waited for a few minutes, and then proceeded to US-231.

We took US-231 south into Spencer, and cruised some surface street until we arrived at Chambers Restuarant, a buffet.

We left the the eatery, stopped for gas, and headed back up US-231. We took it to SR-42, and then headed east. This was a simple route, and great for after lunch, when you are not feeling so lively, and concentration can be a problem. It gets good and curvy near SR-39, and then ends and becomes Rob Hill Road. This road is nice and scenic. We stopped at a fuel station when we come back to SR-67. We would be breaking up as a group from this point, so it was a chance to say good bye.

We head up SR-67, and stupid thing number three happened! While approaching a green light at an intersection, the women in a black Sonata in front of us begin slowing down. I thought she was going to turn, no signal, no surprise. Then she just stopped!! Then she stayed stopped? Thanks goodness I was aware, many other drivers would have made her, and the kid in the back seat, and the cell phone on her ear, a hood ornament!!

Jim "Easyrider" pulled up to give her a lecture, after we let off the horns to let him speak. She begin with shaking her finger at him?! It was that point I wished I had not put a baffle in the muffler of my bike, had enough pressure, and could aim my turn out to make her windows rumble, and her phone not work!! People, people, people, it is a car not a phone booth!! Driving is one of the most complicated things you do in day, pay attention!!

I wish I remembered her license number, I would publish it here!!

Bet you didn't know I could get a soapbox on the motorcycle! The rest of the trip was went well, as riders pulled off the road. Jim, Carl, Alan and I took the east side of town, while my Dad and Steve headed west. Wade and our new couple, JimBob and Stoney, had already veered off.

I left the pack at Shadeland Avenue, filled up with gas, and cruised home. I have not seen a lot of stupid things lately, or I have gotten used to it, but I guess I got my share today!!


Anonymous said…
I saw Jim shaking his finger at the woman in the car, but I couldn't really tell which finger it was. :)


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