GOE XII - Day Two: The dieing of the Bikes

Wednesday, June 18th, 2008

Well the morning started with the biker games, and the bikes would be playing games with us all day! We were able to have the riders meeting on time, and get a group of bikes out of the parking lot in good time. 34 bikes in all!

While proceeding through town, the bikes got split up, but everyone was able to move along and not get lost. We were leaving the person at the end of the pack at the turn, then they would catch up with the next person. I moved along slow, so the group could form up again on Mann Road.

Along the way, just south of Raymond Street on Holt Road, Kevin pulled over on the other side of the road, he hopped off, followed by his wife, and then pulled the seat off the bike. I thought he might be having a CB Issue. The group was ready, and I headed out, figuring he would catch us, as he had the route in in his GPS.

Along Mann Road, a gal went wide on a corner, and ended up laying the bike over on a grassy hill. Besides being shaken up, a bummed knee, and some paint rubbed off, she was ok, even continued the ride on into Nashville. I thought Kevin would have caught us, but he didn't come along. It was then that I know he had more troubles.

Here are they bikes parked at the Brown County Inn, where we had lunch.

When we came back out from lunch, another bike was dead. This time is was Al's friend. No headlight, no starter. Ed from Philly road it to get it push started. I thought we were on our way, and we were, for about 4 miles.

When we turned on Salt Creek Road, the bike died again, and that was it. We were at a Napa, but they didn't have the battery to fit. Some of us went on, while others waited, and got the bike back to the Speedway in Nashville.

The ride was great, and everyone who went seemed to enjoy it. It was only about 10 bikes. We returned back to the Speedway, later than scheduled.

Here is a group of riders, Aimee, in the middle, ran sweep for me.

Sunshine Bob from Virginia is always good to pose for a picture.

On the way back, needless to say we had a timid rider in the group. We were on back road state highways so it didn't seem to matter. We all had a nice easy stroll back to town. With the delays, and some construction traffic, we decided to take a break before 465, then take the beltway back to the hotel.


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