Last Chance Part Two: GOE XII Nashville Ride

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

This day is starting out early! I needed to be down at the Cummins Television Studios early for an eight o'clock taping. The bike was packed up, and I took off at 6:30am. The sun had not been up for long, and the air was still cool. A great morning for a brisk ride down to Columbus, Indiana.

I couldn't get in the regular way. So to get the last 500 feet to the driveway, I made a about an 8 mile detour! I arrived, and we got to work. I know I keep things to about the riding most of the time, but every once in a while I have to go on a sidebar.

After the first taping, we were setting up for the second when the door bell rang. I opened the door, and a young lady entered the building. As I walked her through the studio, she said, "Hey, thats your bike out there isn't it?" Of course I answered yes, but I had a bewildered look on my face. She answered my look with, "I read your Web Log."

I had to ask why, and she explained that she had Googled the CTN Studios, and my Web Log came up! She read the post with that in it, and was able to locate the studios! I guess I have a new fan? Laugh out loud.

With the word of my fame spreading, and a full belly from another fine lunch, I headed back out of town. I joined SR 46, and headed west toward Nashville, Indiana. Just outside of the tourist town, I turned north on Salt Creek Lane, and began riding along the curvy roads. I did see a car on the back of a flat bed, it had several muddy water lines along the body at the various places it had been under water.

At Gatesville, I made may way along Peoga Trail, Beech Tree Road, which was a road that displayed the destruction of wind, and Sweet Water into Ninevah. Then I looped back around, and head back south on Spearsville Road.

A lot of the route back had some rough pavement, but the road was passable, and scenic enough to not miss.

I drove back through Nashville, and then headed north on SR 135 to Morgantown. I headed west on SR 252. Through Martinsville, and back on SR 67. I took Lynhurst up through Speedway, and then Crawfordsville Road to the hotel.


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