Dinner and a Block Party

Saturday, September 27th, 2008

Well, I didn't figure the was a need for a map, as this is a pretty boring route. We rode from Kasey's house, through town, via US 36 to Washington Street. I strapped two lawn chairs to the back of the bike, and we headed back down Washington Street, into Irvington, and a parking spot infront of The Legend, a classic diner. We had dinner outside on the patio, and we could hear the band warming up for a street show down the road.

I knew the lead singer of the group performing, as she was an intern with Indianapolis Public Schools Television Department, and she had me for a mentor on several productions.

After eating, we grabbed the lawn chairs, and walked across the street, met my friend during a song break, and found a spot to sit and enjoy the show. There was somewhat of a party going on too, but all were invited.

When the show was over, we walked back to the bike, packed up the Lawn Chairs, and head back home. We took Ritter north to Pleasant Run jogs at Arlington, and then Tenth Street east and back home.


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