GOE XIX, Day 11: I Can Tell By the Weather - We Are Close to Home

Kasey's Birthday, Monday, June 29th, 2015 Our final day, the one that would carry us home, started out familiar in the that the air was cool, but the sun was actually shining. We grabbed some breakfast at the hotel, and then packed up to hit the road. We were making our way from north of Pittsburgh down to US 40, the National Road. We would make our way to US 40 in Cambridge, Ohio. While waiting at a red light, I noticed a cafe and deli next to each other, and an empty parking space right out front. After getting my riding partner's approval, I backed the bike into the space, and we settled into Guernsey's Cafe for lunch. Up until this point, we were dry, but the skies were turning more and more to Indiana skies as we sat and ate. The grayed up, and then started to let loose with some rain. Lunch was good, and it was time to hit the road, and the wet roads. Before we left town, and connected with US 40, we filled the tank. The rain increased as we drove the 80 mi...