GOE XIX, Day 2: No Denying Lunch

Saturday, June 20th, 2015

I would like to say we started out the day bright and early. It was early, but the skies were not bright, and we were not the most alert. Breakfast at the Comfort Inn, and hearing the engine fire up would help that.

We headed north out of Van Wert, and then veered to the east on 224. Or dining partners from last night, Brent and Callie, were heading east on Highway 30, which runs parallel, but further south. The bit south would be a big difference. Over us, the clouds were a deary, yet light shade of gray. As we looked south, the skies drew darker, that odd blue and gray combination. You could also see the softness below, the curtain of rain that was falling.

224 is a pretty major road, so we only ran into one issue with water. It had rained quite a bit in the area, and in fact, this was one road that hadn't been closed because of rain. We did hit one detour around flooding.

The CB Radios that my brother and I used to use to communicate have not been working very well lately, so we were going radio silent. As we rolled along the highway, I saw a sign that listed The Galaxy Restaurant. I mentioned to Kasey that was the place I had picked for lunch. My brother, Kevin, in the lead, signaled and took the exit. I thought all along he had it on his route on his GPS. Once parked, he said this looked like a good place to eat. We all had a laugh. I guess when you are brothers and hungry, there is no denying it.

Shortly after lunch, we began to make our way north. State Road 44 would lead us to State Road 5. In Johnstone, Ohio, we veered east again, on SR 88 to the boarder with Pennsylvania. The road changes numbers to 358, and took us into Greenville.

We crossed the northwest corner of PA. mostly on SR 19. PA 957 got us the rest of the way through Pennsylvania, and into New York. From there we made our way into Jamestown, and to the hotel. Except for parking the bikes under the canopy, that was it for riding for the day. It was under dark, dull skies, and at times in the mist and rain. The Blue Collar Miles had been turned, in the next day we could lay back and have some fun.


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