About the Best Day I Can Recall

Thursday, July 6, 2006

This is the second in a row of days that I could not say were anymore perfect weatherwise than any day in my life. The skies were sunny, only dotted with puffy fair weather clouds, and the temps hovered just around 80 degrees. A light breeze kept the air feeling comfortable.

Wednesday started out with a little rain that had finished by the time I wanted to take off, but I decided to truck it to work anyway. I would be cooped up in a room with no windows, so maybe it was my way of denying that it was going to be a great day.

Thursday was clear and dry. The morning air was hanging around 57 degrees. The sun had lit up the morning, and the cool moist air was drying out. I packed up the bike with stuff I needed for tonight's meeting, including my vest, and headed out to work. Since it is the summer, and most kids are out of school, the traffic is a little lighter, and flows a little better without the big twinkie school buses in the way. Plus, independence Day was on Tuesday, and I think many took the whole week off to celebrate, and to recover. So I breezed my normal way to work. In the parking lot, a couple of freelancers were standing there talking as I approached.

I didn't bring my lunch, so I was forced to hop on the bike and go out. I shot across 14th Street to Illinois Street, and north to near 22nd Street to a place called Side Street Deli. This is a great place to eat. Located behind one of the local television stations, it has become a haven for the local on air and production crews. I often run into a several other people I know when I eat there. Not today, however, I just took my Chicken Cobb Salad, and stepped outside to eat.

After my delicious, and filling salad, I headed back to the station.

At about 5:30, much earlier than needed, I began my trip to McGilvery's in Speedway. I followed the route laid out by the GPS, which may have been different than the one I planned on the computer, but heck, it will get me there. I took 14th Street once again, but took it until it turned north, and joined with 16th Street. After waiting for the light, I took 16th west. There are several landmarks along the way, including the old Indianapolis Indians Stadium, and of course the World's Most Famous Race Track. Just the prior Sunday, the only Formula One Race held in the United States had been run. Once again, it was a race that was won before the checkered flag flew. The race is always won either in the garage, or in qualifying.

At the corner of the track, I bear right to head up northwest on Crawfordsville Road. Before 465, I head north on High School Road to 30th Street, and pull into the parking lot of McGilvery's. The meeting doesn't start until 6:30, and I was arriving before 6, but I had some notes to organize.

We had our usual meeting, and late comer, from the VTX Owners Board, showed up, and we waited for him to finish eating. My route home from the meeting was the normal highway route. After continuing on High School Road north , I turned on 38th Street, then east until it turns into I-65. I-65 would turn into I-70, which would lead me to I-465, the beltway around town, and I would take it south to Washington Street. It was a quick trip, and the sun was going down behind me. I pulled into the garage, and killed the engine on the beast, so it could rest before tomorrow's journey.


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