Sunday Morning Breakfast - And A Workout

Sunday, July 9, 2006

Well it is Sunday, and you know what that means - another breakfast with Reed Eaters. My first stop was to feed the bike, not myself. The 1800cc's had drank the four and half gallon tank down enough for the fuel light to come on, which meant it was time to refill. The last few days have been strange when it comes to gas prices. We are at no lack for stations around our area, and this weekend, no lack for differences in price. Over the last couple of days, a Thornton's had ranged from 2.98 to 3.08 a gallon. The Marathon at Tenth and Shadeland had hovered pretty much with the Shell on the opposite corner at about 2.82. The Kroger had remained steady at 2.74, as well as some other stations just a little further out. Not sure what is going on, but apparently no one has ever been able to figure out the price thing.

So with dollar signs floating through my head, I went for the gas at Kroger, and when I had passed earlier, there were lines at the pumps, but not at eight in the morning on Sunday. I filled up, and then went on to stop number two, the video store, to return the movie.

Finally, I was on my last leg to Shapiro's. I continued west on Tenth Street, south on Arlington, and then picked up Pleasant Run, which turns into Michigan Street, one way west. I had not been along this way in a while, so it was a nice change of pace. I beared south west at Mass Avenue, and then west over to Pennsylvania Street, and south to McCarty Street, and then West to the parking lot.

There were a few bikes in the lot, but also a few cars I recognized. I hit a few light sprinkles on the way in, but nothing to really make me turn around and get into the cage. When I stepped inside the Deli, I was surprised by how many bikers were sitting around the table. I had to mention it, and rub it in to the none riders.

After a breakfast of a veggie omelet, with egg beaters, we all poured out of the restaurant, and into he parking lot. I would follow Reed east on McCarty, and then south to the ramp for I-65, which would lead me to I-70, and home.

The bike would sit out side for about thirty minutes. At eleven, I hopped back on, and took a short stroll over to the YMCA for my workout. Sitting around with the older men in the breakfast group, hearing them moan about one pain or the other, really motivates me to stay in something close to good shape.

Even though it was afternoon, and the air was heating up, my sweaty body cruising through the air felt quite nice. It was time for a shower, and some lunch. A light lunch after the big breakfast.


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