A Short Ride to Work, A Short Day at Work
Friday, July 7, 2006
I have gotten some feedback that a lot of readers skim over my posts about my rides to and from work. I have decided that I will put something in the title, so that you will know if you want to read about the more routine riding that I do. Hey, I have to commute, so I may as well enjoy it!
As the weekend approaches, so does the heat. It seems this becoming a summer of the temps being reset on Monday or Tuesday, usually with rain, but then it dries out, and heats up for the days off.
The drive in would be very pleasant, if not a little chilly, but that was because I was dressed for the afternoon, not the morning. I think it was in the high fifties, low sixties when I left. Remember, on Friday's I have to be in a little early, although, I was Technical Directing, not running tape, today, I thought I would get in early, and offer a hand to my replacement. I enjoy Technical Directing much more than tape, as it is still a challenge to me, and I have been trained on the stations Grass Valley Group 4000 production switcher. I know a lot of you won't know what the heck I am talking about, but I will just say it is a panel with 996 Buttons, five fader bars, and numerous knobs and lights. It is very imposing, even for me, the first time you look at it.
So I cut through the chilly air on my regular route west on Washington Street, and then north on Delaware, jogging a little more west on Tenth to Meridian Street. About nine miles from home, I am at the station. After a turn of my key to open the gate, I pull in and take my normal parking space.
Work was swift, as I said, I enjoy this position on the crew, and I don't recall making any mistakes, even had a few pressure moments of quick changes during the taping. The afternoon show was in the can, as a result of taping two shows the week before. I decided to take the rarest of opportunities, and have a Friday Afternoon off.
I could have went out and ridden all afternoon, but the heat was not making that too much fun, and I had a lot of work on the house calling my name. I took the quick way home, south on Pennsylvania Street to Eleventh, then on to I-70 to 465 South, and back on to Washington Street. I was home in a short time, had lunch, and went to work on the house.
I have gotten some feedback that a lot of readers skim over my posts about my rides to and from work. I have decided that I will put something in the title, so that you will know if you want to read about the more routine riding that I do. Hey, I have to commute, so I may as well enjoy it!
As the weekend approaches, so does the heat. It seems this becoming a summer of the temps being reset on Monday or Tuesday, usually with rain, but then it dries out, and heats up for the days off.
The drive in would be very pleasant, if not a little chilly, but that was because I was dressed for the afternoon, not the morning. I think it was in the high fifties, low sixties when I left. Remember, on Friday's I have to be in a little early, although, I was Technical Directing, not running tape, today, I thought I would get in early, and offer a hand to my replacement. I enjoy Technical Directing much more than tape, as it is still a challenge to me, and I have been trained on the stations Grass Valley Group 4000 production switcher. I know a lot of you won't know what the heck I am talking about, but I will just say it is a panel with 996 Buttons, five fader bars, and numerous knobs and lights. It is very imposing, even for me, the first time you look at it.
So I cut through the chilly air on my regular route west on Washington Street, and then north on Delaware, jogging a little more west on Tenth to Meridian Street. About nine miles from home, I am at the station. After a turn of my key to open the gate, I pull in and take my normal parking space.
Work was swift, as I said, I enjoy this position on the crew, and I don't recall making any mistakes, even had a few pressure moments of quick changes during the taping. The afternoon show was in the can, as a result of taping two shows the week before. I decided to take the rarest of opportunities, and have a Friday Afternoon off.
I could have went out and ridden all afternoon, but the heat was not making that too much fun, and I had a lot of work on the house calling my name. I took the quick way home, south on Pennsylvania Street to Eleventh, then on to I-70 to 465 South, and back on to Washington Street. I was home in a short time, had lunch, and went to work on the house.