Work Ride - A Tale of Two Gas Prices

Friday, July 14, 2006

Here it is, another Friday, and another quick trip to work. Wrong! My trip would start out with another time to fill the belly of the beast. With the price of oil in the news again, I was hoping the prices had gone up, but many most think it was going up. Each pump had a line of three or more cars! This was at 7am in the morning! After ten minutes in line, I was able to fill up at 2.68 Dollars a gallon.

My trip would be alittle different, similiar to how I went to Shapiro's on Sunday. I went west on Tenth Street, and then south on Arlington. I turned back west on Pleasant Run Parkway, which turns into Michigan Avenue, a one way street into town. I decided to take Michigan all the to Meridian Street. This main north-south throughfare in the cirlce city would take me right to the station.

With another grueling Friday behind me, I headed back for home. No need to worry about dinner, as the catholic church at the end of our street is having their festival. A friend is coming over, and three of us will be walking up to fundraiser.

I took my scenic route home, Pennslyvania south to New York, one way east out of town, to Pleasant Run Parkway, tenth stree and back past the Kroger that I filled up at 2.68 this morning, good thing, they were 2.99 this afternoon!


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