Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Gathering of Eagles has begun once again. I was unaware that it had been proclaimed Tye Dye Tuesday, but Kasey and I donned our Tye Dye Rally Shirts after breakfast. After a long day, we were looking forward to a short day, so Kasey and I decided to head to Hershey.
It was a nice little ride on State Roads into the land of chocolate. You could smell it when you got into town and along the factory. We meandered our way through town, and through the park, and to the Chocolate Park. We found a shady spot under a tree, parked The Pearl, and headed out to enjoy the sweetest place on Earth.
I know this is not about riding, but we did take the Tram Ride. It had a cheesy show in front with some actors. We got some history about the Hershey’s, but I am not sure it was worth the torture. At one point, the male actor was dresses as a woman, and pinched my cheek. She said I need shave, to which my response was, she need one too!
We took another ride, this one more enjoyable, and informative. It spilled us out into a gift shop, there is a surprise! We shopped for gifts for a bit, and then headed back to the hotel.
We took a more direct, but scenic ride. One town was supposed to have a couple of Covered Bridges, but there were no signs to them, so we never saw them.
We had a few minutes before we grouped up, and went out to dinner. It was a great ride out into the country to a place called Good and Plenty. The food was good, and there was enough to stuff the hungriest of people.
One more little trip for the day would be to get some beer. Pennsylvania has weirder alcohol laws than Indiana, and we followed Kevin and Virginia to a place to purchase a case.