GOE XIII: Day 5: These Rallies Go By Fast!

Thursday, June 25, 2009
The last day of Gathering of Eagles XIII, Cruisin with 09 in 09 is in its last day. First off is some riding, but not a lot of distance. It was the biker games. The solo slow ride started out the day, followed by the two up, and then the Water Balloon Toss, aka the Bike Wash. Kasey and I didn’t do well on any of the games, and the new Bike Joust event was not an exception.
Next was the Poker Run, and the bikes lined up across the street from the hotel. We had a meeting and grouped up in 10 to 12 bikes. Kevin and Virginia were in another group, and this is something that Kevin and I have done on purpose many times, to get us out and talking with other cruiser clubbers. We were in the group with people from Bloomington, like Van and Betty, and John and Sue, and Kasey was getting along great with them.
This trip was through Pennsylvania Dutch Country, and we were led to a buffet. After another filling meal, we headed back out into the country, stopping at a scenic lake spot.
Before getting back to the hotel, we all did Intercourse, Pennsylvania, and then rode through Bird in Hand. Kasey and I left on our own a little early to get back to the room, as the heat was getting to her. We were seeing that we needed to drink more water than we were.
As Kasey cooled off with a nap, I went out and fueled up the bike, and returned. The banquet was all that was left of this year’s rally. Tomorrow, we would begin our journey to Florida.