Sunday, June 21, 2009
It is hard for me to believe, but here I am, ready to take off for my 8th Gathering of Eagles, Cruiser Club, USA’s National Rally. This is my second in Pennsylvania. The first trip was a trek through Canada and New England to get there. This route would have its wonderings too, so stay tuned.
The plan had us leaving around 11, so my brother and sister-in-law would not have to get up at the “butt crack” of dawn to drive an hour to my house. My sibling and his bride showed up around 10, we were all ready to take off, so we headed out an hour early. This allowed to avoid the interstate, and head out on US 40, the National Road.
There was great little towns that we made our way through, and they looked different, more spruced up or something, maybe it was because I had Kasey on the back pointing out the things I was missing. One thing we didn’t miss, was a large gentleman on a scooter. That poor little motor was really working to get him along the road.
Eventually, we strolled into Richmond, Indiana. I had a place picked out for lunch, but it was not to be. Not only was it not opened today, it looked like it had been closed, sold, and was being remodeled to be something else. With not many options left, Steak & Shake was familiar sight that I had not been to as of late. And with many meals under 4 bucks, it seemed like a good way to start out our eating adventures for the trip.
After lunch, we were only about 60 miles down the road, so it was time to make another leg until the first fuel stop. It was a hard one to get into, and U-Turn was needed to get back to the refueling center. With little shade available, Virginia, my brother’s wife and Rest Stop Nazi in charge, we would take another little break at the Sonic for a cool treat.
The next stop would be an unplanned one, just about 20 miles from our next scheduled stop, to allow for a bathroom break. I had no need to go, with the heat sucking all the fluids out of my body. We were drinking water, others were drinking soda crap that is about as bad as drinking sand on a hot day.
When we came upon Columbus, Ohio, we veered off onto the I-70, the interstate to make our way through town. At the other end, we took a break for gas, and rejoined US 40.
Zanesville, Ohio was the next town on the list, and we headed south here, eventually linking to SR 555. We were on part of this for the rally in Mineral Wells, Virginia. This was a wonderful, twisty stretch devoid of gas stations. In fact the one town that was supposed to have one, had no evidence of it, and while turning around, Julie dropped her bike in the gravel. A few minor scratched, and bruised ego was all that resulted.
I was running 164 miles on this tank when we arrived at the gas station. The bike didn’t take as much as I thought it would, but The Pearl was a thirsty girl. It was only 20 more miles until the hotel. We parked the bikes, and walked to Shoney’s for dinner.
Upon our walking return, we noticed some working girls in the parking lot. They had a couple of “gentlemen” that were escorting them to a room.