To Florida: Day Three: Momma Wants to See Her Kids

Sunday, June 28, 2009
On this morning, if you felt a slight tremor beneath your feet, or your bed, it was the Earth shaking from Kasey arising early. I am not sure she knew there were times in the morning with single digits. She had mentioned that she was sick for her kids, and wanted to get to them, so she was up at 6:15am, wanting to get breakfast, and on the road by 7.
Well, we missed the 7am Ass in Seat Time by a few minutes, mostly because I was hunting for my sunglasses. But we were still on our way much earlier than the 9am time I had scheduled.
We started back down US 17, heading south. Today’s ride would be much more inland. We were making good time as cruised through the remains of South Carolina. It was cooler, and much more comfortable, and stops were shorter. We did notice that in this area, they have gas stations called, “El Cheapo”. We had t laugh at that.
One theme I have noticed on this trip, is the amount of road work being done. We traveled along an area where two lanes non-divided, was to become four lanes divided. It was through a swamp area, and you could see large amounts of soil that had been brought in to fill the area. Another feature of riding through swamp area was the alligator in the road we rode past. Not a big guy, about 3 or 4 feet long, and he was sunning himself in the right track of our lane. He didn’t even move as we blazed past at 50 mph.
Georgia brought heat, and no views through the heavy, ugly trees on either side of the road. No space for a breeze, or anything but the sun to beat down on you. We made a stop for gas, at a place that had the old fashioned pumps.
Georgia went by quickly, and soon we were in the Sunshine State. We were closer to Kasey’s Parent’s House, and to her kids. It seemed as though we would arrive about 3 hours early. With the arrival of Jacksonville, and being closer to the Atlantic Ocean, the breeze was cooling us. A storm, as it always does, was blowing in for afternoon, evening shower, and this was cooling the temps.
We made our way around Jacksonville, and to the streets that would lead to their neighborhood. We pulled up the driveway, and Kasey squeezed me to rev up the engine, and draw their attention. It was a few seconds before the garage door went up, and her family came running out of the house.
So it will be a few days off before we mount The Pearl again, and make our way home. I have a great trip planned, three day, including Deal’s Gap. It has been such a great trip so far. And the first long trip I have taken with a riding partner. That has meant very little listening of the MP3 Player, and more conversation. Things had worked out so well so far, and I am looking forward to the trip home, an we have already been discussing the trip for next year’s GOE.